The Australian Dollar vs. The Canadian Dollar
The market keeps fluctuating with the Australian dollar recently decreasing significantly below the Canadian dollar. Previously the two were quite even. Canada has always had a bit of an upper edge on the Australian dollar, but for 2006-2008, this has been less than a 10 cent difference on average.
If you are money conscious, you are going to to be constantly doing conversions when you move overseas. You’ll find that typically the Canadian dollar does just a bit better than the Australian dollar. But with the global economic crisis, you’ll know all economic theory is useless.
Doing Constant Conversions:
The point is (for the purpose of being a teacher and moving overseas) you need to not do conversions all the time. If you don’t have a job yet, the tempation may be there to ignore this little tip. But if you are making money, you will drive yourself–and more importantly everyone else around you–insane if you keep converting. Just accept that your Australian money is different to your Canadian money, try not to have to move too much of it between the two countries too often (they will charge for this), and just spend your money as if you are Australian.